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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 ||o*adiposeTissue_SommerHolzapfel.hhModel for adipose tissue of Sommer et al.: Multiaxial mechanical properties and constitutive modeling of human adipose tissue: A basis for preoperative simulations in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Acta Biomater., 9:9036-9048, 2013
 ||o*muscleTissue_Martins.hhVersions of the muscle model of Martins et al.: A numerical model of passive and active bahevaior of skeletal muscles. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 151:419-433, 1998
 ||\*skinTissue_Hendriks.hhVersions of the skin model of Hendriks: Mechanical behavior of human epidermal and dermal layers in vivo. PhD thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2005
 ||o*mooneyRivlin.hhModels based on the Mooney-Rivlin material law. Input argument is the deformation gradient
 ||\*neoHooke.hhModels based on the neo-Hookean material law. Input argument is the deformation gradient
 |o*staticChecks.hhStatic checks for detection of presence of different operators and functions