RFFGen | |
CMath | |
arcsine.hh | |
cosine.hh | |
exp.hh | |
log.hh | |
pow.hh | |
sine.hh | |
tan.hh | |
Examples | |
Biomechanics | |
adiposeTissue_SommerHolzapfel.hh | Model for adipose tissue of Sommer et al.: Multiaxial mechanical properties and constitutive modeling of human adipose tissue: A basis for preoperative simulations in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Acta Biomater., 9:9036-9048, 2013 |
muscleTissue_Martins.hh | Versions of the muscle model of Martins et al.: A numerical model of passive and active bahevaior of skeletal muscles. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 151:419-433, 1998 |
skinTissue_Hendriks.hh | Versions of the skin model of Hendriks: Mechanical behavior of human epidermal and dermal layers in vivo. PhD thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2005 |
Rubber | |
mooneyRivlin.hh | Models based on the Mooney-Rivlin material law. Input argument is the deformation gradient |
neoHooke.hh | Models based on the neo-Hookean material law. Input argument is the deformation gradient |
volumetricPenaltyFunctions.hh | |
yieldSurface.hh | |
LinearAlgebra | |
cofactor.hh | |
determinant.hh | |
deviator.hh | |
deviatoricInvariants.hh | |
dimension.hh | |
euclideanNorm.hh | |
extractRowsAndCols.hh | |
invariants.hh | |
matrixNorm.hh | |
mixedInvariants.hh | |
modifiedMixedInvariants.hh | |
modifiedPrincipalInvariants.hh | |
principalInvariants.hh | |
rowsAndCols.hh | |
shiftedInvariant.hh | |
strainTensor.hh | |
tensorProduct.hh | |
trace.hh | |
transpose.hh | |
unitMatrix.hh | |
MathematicalOperations | |
chain.hh | |
product.hh | |
scale.hh | |
squared.hh | |
sum.hh | |
Util | |
addMissingOperators.hh | |
addTransposedMatrix.hh | |
at.hh | |
base.hh | |
chainer.hh | |
computeChain.hh | |
computeProduct.hh | |
computeSum.hh | |
consistencyCheck.hh | |
derivativeWrappers.hh | |
evaluateIfPresent.hh | |
exceptions.hh | |
indexedType.hh | |
modifyInvariants.hh | |
staticChecks.hh | Static checks for detection of presence of different operators and functions |
staticChecks_nRows_nCols.hh | |
third.hh | |
voider.hh | |
zero.hh | |
conceptCheck.hh | |
concepts.hh | |
constant.hh | |
finalize.hh | |
generate.hh | |
identity.hh | |
linearAlgebra.hh | |
math.hh | |
operations.hh | |
RFFGen.hh | |
variable.hh |